
In Acts when Phillip was translated down to the eunuch, he asks if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch’s reply was, how can I except some man should guide me. The teaching of water baptism should not be that it is an outward representation of our sins being washed away, or that we are buried in a watery grave. Jesus was baptized by John and there was no sin in His life. If we can remember, the priest always washed before entering into minister for the people in the old tabernacle. Water baptism, shows the world that we have had a total cleansing from the flesh, complete separation from the world, and have consecrated our lives as a minister, king, and priest for the cause of Christ. Baptism according to the Greek meaning does away with sprinkling, because it means to be fully wet, covered wholly with fluid. There is no need to baptize children because they need to come to the age of accountability and repent before baptism is necessary. Matt. 28: 18-20, Matt. 3:1-17


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